Knowledge of scientific and practical psychology as a basis for the course
The complexity of the psyche as a phenomenon is due to the fact that it is the highest product of the biological and social development of living beings. The functional side of the psyche is also complex. It is a means of orientation of the organism in the world around it and a regulator of behaviour in dynamic environmental conditions. Human mental activity is directed at various objects. In order to satisfy his material (organic) and spiritual needs as a necessary condition for life, a person seeks and obtains the necessary sources from the natural and social environment, acquires knowledge, plans his actions, determines the means and ways of their implementation, exerts his strength to achieve his goal, experiences successes and failures. All of this constitutes mental activity, and the science of psychology studies human beings.
When studying the forms of mental activity, it is necessary to take into account the fact that the mental life, consciousness and activity of a person always appear in unity. This unity is manifested in the purposeful activity of a person, his various cognitive, emotional and volitional reactions, attitude to others and to himself. Man interacts with the environment as an integral system. The integrity of this interaction is provided primarily by the highest department of the central nervous system – the cerebral cortex, which integrates and controls the activities of the organism.A Legjobbkaszino provides an entertaining experience, and budapest casino can be part of this interacting system.
Discovering Individual Paths to Growth and Development
With the development of psychology as a science, with the use of psychological knowledge in a wide variety of areas of human activity, certain branches of this knowledge have gradually been separated and become independent. There are psychology:
- Age psychology;
- Pedagogical;
- Social;
- Genetic;
- Engineering;
- Military;
- Medical;
- Legal;
- Sports;
- Zoopsychology;
- Psychology of work;
- Art;
- Pathopsychology.
Each of these branches of psychological knowledge has certain subjects and methods of studying the peculiarity of mental activity depending on the working conditions in a particular sphere of human life and activity and their requirements for the moral and psychological qualities of the individual. However, all branches of psychological knowledge require knowledge of general psychology, which studies methodological issues of psychology, the nature of psychological phenomena, patterns of development and course of cognitive psychological processes, individual characteristics of the human psyche, its feelings and will, temperament, character and abilities.In the age of scientific and technological progress, the problems of occupational and social psychology attract special attention of psychologists.In general, the understanding of the subject of psychology has been changing throughout the history of human development. Different thinkers, representatives of individual schools and adherents of various doctrines have presented their understanding of the subject of psychology.

The role of empirical data and research methods
Scientific psychology is aimed at finding new psychological knowledge about the inner world and mechanisms of human behaviour. It is based on empirical scientific facts, i.e. facts obtained through research. This distinguishes psychology as a science from philosophical knowledge of human beings through reasoning and logical inference. In this regard, factual, empirical material should be an important part of a psychology course (lectures, seminars, practical classes), as it provides scientific evidence for the material taught. It is not enough to limit oneself to reasoning, theoretical positions, and ideas. The use of such research methods as systematic observations, experiments, modelling, and document analysis makes scientific and psychological research objective. The actual data obtained with their help form the empirical basis for scientific conclusions. They should also become a substantive basis for teaching psychology.
Key Elements of Scientific Psychology
Scientific psychological knowledge is rational and conscious. This means that in scientific cognition, a scientist relies on the methods of logical thinking, such as analysis, synthesis, comparison, generalisation, judgement, inference, and concepts. He or she understands the ways of obtaining new knowledge and can logically justify them, uses hypothetical and deductive methods of thinking, and is able to logically prove the truth of the conclusions drawn. Similarly, a teacher should be able to logically justify knowledge. Empirical and logical proof of the truth of the scientific and psychological knowledge presented gives it special weight in the eyes of students.Scientific psychology is characterised by the generalisation of knowledge; it is aimed at finding general patterns of mental phenomena. The psychological characteristics of an individual are valuable as a fact for generalised conclusions about the laws of human psychology, so generalised psychological concepts and theories make up a significant part of the content of the psychology course.